Mary Shelley
2) Lodore
For the first time we can hear Mary’s sole voice, which is colloquial, fast-paced, and sounds more modern to a contemporary reader. We can also see for the first time the extent...
4) Falkner
6) On Ghosts
On Ghosts is an essay written by Mary Shelley, first published in London Magazine (March 1824). (From GoodReads)
Die Handlung wird durch eine Mischung aus Briefroman und klassischer Ich-Erzählsituation vermittelt. Viktor Frankenstein erzählt dem Leiter einer Forschungsexpedition, zugleich Eigner des Schiffes, das ihn in der Arktis rettet, seine Geschichte. Der Roman wird so zu einem Lehrstück, gibt Frankenstein doch deutlich zu verstehen, dass seine Erzählung auch eine Warnung an den Zuhörer und damit auch die Leser sein soll: Er warnt vor einer entgrenzten
...Frankenstein ou Le Prométhée moderne (Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus) est un roman gothique et considéré a posteriori comme le précurseur de la science-fiction, publié en 1818 par la jeune britannique Mary Shelley , maîtresse et future épouse du poète Shelley.
Le roman est le récit d'une tentative d'exploration polaire par Robert Walton. La majeure partie de ce récit est constituée par l'histoire de la vie
9) Valperga
Valperga is a historical novel which relates the adventures of the early fourteenth-century despot Castruccio Castracani, a real historical figure who became the lord of Lucca and conquered Florence. In the novel, his armies threaten the fictional fortress of Valperga, governed by Countess Euthanasia, the woman he loves. (From Wikipedia)
10) The Dream
Set in France around the turn of the seventeenth century, it is the story of a young woman named Constance who is in love with Gaspar, the son of her father's enemy. (From Wikipedia)
The Fortunes of Perkin Warbeck is an 1830 historical novel by Mary Shelley about the life of Perkin Warbeck. The book takes a Yorkist point of view and proceeds from the conceit that Perkin Warbeck died in childhood and the supposed impostor was indeed Richard of Shrewsbury. Henry VII of England is repeatedly described as a "fiend" who hates Elizabeth of York, his wife and Richard's sister, and the future Henry VIII, mentioned