Useless landscape. Almonds in bloom ; Tender mercies ; Cherry blossoms in spring ; The fluffer talks of eternity ; Landscape with sections of aqueduct ; Useless landscape
Bidwell Park ; The Kiwi comes to Gridley, CA ; College City Market, College City, CA ; Seven sketches for a landscape, unfinished ; A brief history of internment ; The bathers ; Little boy blue ; Dying in the development ; Chicken ; Bojangles ; Dying in a Turkish bath ; End of days ; That's where they hide the silos ; Panic in the year zero ; Landscape with temple, mosque and little crosses ; Landscape with combine ; Quarantine ; Release the sterile moths ; Valley of the dolls ; Landscape with figures partially erased ; Homesickness ; Bugcatching at twilight ; Head out on the highway ; Tarnished angel ; Riverfront Park, Marysville, CA ; Love hangover ; Landscape with lymphatic system, system of rivulets, system of rivers ; An elegy for my libido ; Abandonment under the walnut tree ; The price of funk in Funkytown ; Traveling light
A guide for boys. Outside Thermalito ; The opening of the cosmos ; One thousand and one nights ; Funkytown: forgotten city of the plain ; Notes of a native son ; Donkey basketball diaries ; A little less kettledrum, please ; Narcissus ; My life as a dog ; A guide for boys ; Boonies ; Lessons in woodworking ; Pupil ; Elements of a cross-country runner ; Magic kingdom come ; Space junk ; Sporting life ; Dying in a fallow ; Reaching around for you ; Goodbye, my fancy ; Hereafter ; Midnight cowbell ; Do the hustle ; Once and future houseboy ; Backdrop with splashes of cum on it ; Transit of Mercury ; Platelet count descending ; Backstage pass ; Having a rambutan with you ; Summer of my bone density test ; The great unrest ; Orchard in January ; Ode to joy ; Missionary man ; Mass for Pentecost: canticle for birds & waters.